Charon plugin

Plugin is running on

Source code is in gitlab.

Thesis is in

Wiki is at gitlab.



Flows in Charon

Submission testing flow

Charon is a link between Gitlab and Arete. Whenever a student pushes to a repository a webhook is triggered and the event is sent to

There Charon extracts gradable exercises ands sends the information with additional information to Arete.

Once the testing is complete, Arete sends the result back to Charon where it is saved.

testing flow

Here is what happens inside when receiving git callback:

git callback

Tester callback:

git callback

Creating a Charon through UI

Videos demonstrate the configuration for certain Charon parts

Defence flow

Defence flow functional requirements.


Future nice-to-haves.

Creating Charons through CLI

Seeder now allows to choose a course, section under that course and a grade preset to populate the database with a given number of charons, together with its grade category, grademaps and grade items.

Formula calculation multiplies grade items from preset.

Run the following command in /mod/charon folder

php artisan db:seed --class=CharonSeeder

 Enter course ID:
 > 2

 Choose a preset:
  [1] Tests and style [1]
  [2] Tests and defense [2]
  [3] Tests, style and defense [3]
 > 3

 Choose a section:
  [1] Topic 0 (visible) [1]
  [2] Name of topic (visible) [2]
  [3] Topic 2 (visible) [3]
  [4] Topic 3 (visible) [4]
  [5] Topic 4 (visible) [5]
 > 5

 Enter a number of charons [1]:
 > 2

[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"eos - Tests","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"eos_Tests"}]
[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"eos - Style","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"eos_Style"}]
[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"eos - Defense","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"eos_Defense"}]
Successfully linked grades for Charon 241
[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"iure - Tests","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"iure_Tests"}]
[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"iure - Style","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"iure_Style"}]
[2020-11-20 22:04:43] develop.INFO: Creating a grade map:  [{"grademap_name":"iure - Defense","max_points":"1.00","id_number":"iure_Defense"}]
Successfully linked grades for Charon 242

Deploying in a new Moodle instance

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Run this file in Moodle server as root from /srv/moodle directory


die () {
    echo >&2 "$@"
    exit 1

if [ "$#" != 1 ]; then
printf "1 argument required, $# provided. Argument can be test or live.\n\
test - moodle-test\n\
live - moodle-live"

ENV=$1 # environment

if [ -d "$SRC/charon" ]; then
    rm -r "$SRC/charon"

if [ -f "$SRC/" ]; then
    rm "$SRC/"

curl -v -X GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $(cat .charon_token)" -o ""
chmod -R 0755 "$SRC/charon"
find "$SRC/charon" -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
chown -R moodle:http "$SRC/charon"
cp -rT charon  "$DEST"
chown -R moodle:http /srv/moodle/public_html/mod/charon
chmod -R 775 /srv/moodle/public_html/mod/charon/plugin/storage
find /srv/moodle/public_html/mod/charon/plugin/storage -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} \;
sh $ENV
cd /srv/moodle/public_html
echo "y" | php admin/cli/upgrade.php # answer "y" to prompt
php admin/cli/purge_caches.php
cd mod/charon
php artisan key:generate
php artisan db:seed --force